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Equine Diagnostic Instruments
VDS Diagnostic Instruments for Equine Dentistry
VDS offers a variety of equine diagnostic instruments to aid visualisation, cleaning and exploration of pockets, occlusal surfaces and diastema during routine dental examinations. These diagnostic instruments may also be used for other procedures such as diastema widening. Our range of pod equine diagnostic instruments includes mirrors, probes, scalers and picks as well as full diagnostic sets.
All pod Equine Diagnostic Instruments are hand crafted in New Zealand from high quality stainless steel and are specifically designed for equine dentistry. Provided with a five year warranty and local service.
VDS Equine Dental Diagnostic Instrument Range
pod Equine Dental Inspection Mirror
Popular | Cost Effective
pod Equine Periodontal Probe
pod Equine Standard Pick
pod Equine Dental Scaler
pod Equine Explorer
Rhye Moore
Engineering Manager
pod Equine Dental Water Pick
Popular | Cost Effective
6 Piece Equine Diagnostic Set
Popular | Cost effective