1:1 Straight Nose Cone (with internal water for cooling) for HP rabbit burs and diamond disc
Rabbit Incisor Luxator for extraction of incisors
Rabbit Molar Luxator for extraction of molars
Diamond Disc for trimming rabbit incisors which includes the HP mandrel and fits into a 1:1 straight nose cone
Diamond HP Burs x 3 for reduction & levelling of molar teeth. Diamond burs are preferrable for rabbit & rodent dentistry as they cause less trauma and produce less heat than carbide burs.
1:1 Straight Nose Cone (with internal water for cooling) for HP rabbit burs and diamond disc
Rabbit Incisor Luxator for extraction of incisors
Rabbit Molar Luxator for extraction of molars
Diamond Disc for trimming rabbit incisors which includes the HP mandrel and fits into a 1:1 straight nose cone
Diamond HP Burs x 3 for reduction & levelling of molar teeth. Diamond burs are preferrable for rabbit & rodent dentistry as they cause less trauma and produce less heat than carbide burs.